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The Man in the Mountain

Growing up on the west coast of the island (of Newfoundland and Labrador) made for some great adventures as a child. Upon returning from our family outings to the City of Corner Brook, we always played a game of spot the "Man in the Mountain". This picture is our view point for this game. Can you spot the "Man in the Mountain"?

When I was very young I was certain that I had found him but when I would describe him my parents would chuckle because they knew I didn't find the infamous "Man in the Mountain". This man is said to be keeping watch over buried treasure on Shellbird Island at the mouth of the Humber River. This is a closer view of what most people are looking for when they spot the "Man in the Mountain". The man is facing to the right and looking down at about 45 degrees. I've circled him and then created an expanded view in the bottom right corner just in case you're still having a hard time finding him. So we have now identified the infamous "Man in the Mountain" but that still does not explain what I saw when I was a child.

I must elaborate a little to add clarity. When I was a child, this Man in the Mountain was sometimes referred to as the the Indian in the Mountain. As a child my innocent view of an Indian man was that of a grand gentleman with head gear made of feathers. So when I was told to look for the Indian in the mountain I of course looked for feathers. And to this day, I swear that I found him. I've done my best to identify him for you in this next picture. Like the picture above I have circled the original view and also created an exploded view in the bottom left corner. See if you can picture him and if not an explanation follows.

In this picture the the Man in the Mountain is the lightly shaded rock and he is looking directly to the left and the two feathers of his head gear point out to the right at about 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock. The feather at 2 o'clock has a single orange (rust) colour band. If you look closely you can clearly identify his mouth with a slight frown and his upper lip slightly curled over. He has a small nose and a pronounced forehead. I've also heard people say that there is a third "Man in the Mountain" but I have never been able to identify him. If you are able to identify either or both "Men in the Mountain" pictured above, or if you have a picture that identifies the third Man in the Mountain, please share your pictures, comments, and childhood stories of "looking for the Man in the Mountain".

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